Importance of Trade Shows

Trade shows are a great way for brands to gain exposure from a variety of audiences. Below are four reasons to consider attending a trade show.

  1. Meet Industry Partners: Trade shows are great way to discover new brands and connect with their founding members, executive team, or decision makers. At trade shows the chances of meeting brands with synergistic values increases and many brands are open to collaboration. SPARKS can help set up meetings with brands you are interested in meeting!

  2. Meet Other Brands for Partnerships: Once relationships are formed with other brands, these can be turned into powerful collaboration opportunities. Collaboration opportunities can help brands reach new potential and audiences. Some collaboration opportunities include Instagram giveaways, partnering to make a new/limited edition product, holiday bundling pairing, marketing campaigns and more. SPARKS helps facilitate creative collaboration opportunities.

  3. Connect with Press: Press attend trade shows to discover the next up-and-coming brand. It’s a great way for brand CEOs and representatives to meet the press in person and share their stories. In-person meetings with journalists are more personal and can have a greater impact on the journalist leading them to cover the brand. SPARKS helps clients set up meetings with press at trade shows to help generate earned media.

  4. Overall Brand Exposure: Trade shows are great opportunities to network with press, other brands, and attendees. Any trade show will bring good exposure to a brand by getting more eyes on the product and logo. The more times people view brand visuals and logos, the more likely people will recognize your brand in the future. Trade shows are a good way to get eyes on your brand in an alternative fashion.

**If you are interested in getting involved with industry trade shows, SPARKS can help! Connect with us now.


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